Friday, November 11, 2011

S&MEs Manager / Gestor de PyMes - 1.0 released

A month after launching beta, 1.0 final version has been released.

New features:
  • English language has been included (beta only included Spanish)
  • Billing functionality added
  • Config screen added (beta needed manual configuration)
  • About screen added
About screen

Config screen


The application has been uploaded to my github repository.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

S&MEs Manager / Gestor de PyMes - 1.0 beta

After a lot of work the very first release of this app is almost ready to be presented in it's beta version. // Después de mucho trabajo la primer publicación de esta aplicación está casi lista para ser presentada en su versión beta.

It took long since it was designed/worked with some Scrum/Extreme programming techniques (it's been fully developed implementing TDD with RSpec) and learning some new technologies I had never used was time consuming (data is handled with Sqlite3 and the GUI has been developed using WxRuby). // Tomó bastante tiempo dado que fue diseñada/desarrollada con técnicas de Scrum/Extreme programming (fue completamente desarrollada implementando TDD con RSpec) y tuve que aprender algunas tecnologías que nunca había utilizado (la información es manejada con Sqlite3 y la GUI fue desarrollada utilizando WxRuby).

Even though some details still need to be taken care of before I make a demo to the client to check that we are in sync, the app is ready to show it's features. // Aunque hay algunos detalles que necesitan ser tratados antes de hacer una demo con el cliente para verificar que estamos sincronizados, la aplicación está lista para mostrar sus características.

This is the Scrum dashboard status as it's today... // Este es el tablero de Scrum al día de hoy...

Here you have some screen-shots of the app as it's today... // Acá les dejo algunas impresiones de pantalla de la aplicación como luce hoy en día...

Orders screen

Products screen

Customers screen

As soon as it's ready, I'll update this post with the link to the application in github. // Tan pronto como esté lista, actualizaré este post con el link a la aplicación en github.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Kick off!

Well, this is pretty much a test to kick the blog off.

I hope next posts to have a more interesting content, I'm gonna do my best not to let myself down. :)